Ashtakavarga jagannatha hora
Ashtakavarga jagannatha hora

  1. Ashtakavarga jagannatha hora manuals#
  2. Ashtakavarga jagannatha hora manual#
  3. Ashtakavarga jagannatha hora full#
  4. Ashtakavarga jagannatha hora windows#

Ashtakavarga jagannatha hora manual#

A * next to the language means that the manual is in English and the chosen language/script is used just for transcribing mantras. Please note that languages available are listed below. After doing that for a few months, correct guidance and/or inspiration may come. If you are not sure which deity's homa you should do, consider starting with Ganapathi or Vishnu. If you have never done a homa by yourself and are not confident of doing a homa by yourself, consider seeing this 8-minute video demonstrating a homa with the simplest possible setup, to get confidence that you too can do it!!

Ashtakavarga jagannatha hora manuals#

You can read about the history of these manuals and the Do-Homa-Yourself movement. Miscellaneous: Tajaka sahamas (sahams) in natal charts chara karakas (8-planet scheme) shadbalas, bhava balas & ishta-kashta phalas lunar month, lunar day (tithi), luni-solar yoga, karana, sunrise and sunset time listing with charts (using the true rise of upper limb) nakshatra balance and tithi balance hora, Mahakala hora and Kaala support for Lahiri ayanamsa, Raman ayanamsa and a few others customizable nonlinear ayanamsa customizable year days in dasas (360 or 365.You can use the manuals below to perform a homa by yourself, to various deities.Panchanga of a day with the end times of tithi, nakshatra, yoga, karana and horas and times of Rahu kalam, Gulika kalam, Yama gandam, sunrise, sunset, moonrise and moonset.Prasna mode with rasi and navamsa of prasna lagna obtained from a number between 1 and 108.

Ashtakavarga jagannatha hora full#

  • Lunar new year chart and annual Full Moon chart.
  • Swearing-in chart mode, where dasas are compressed to a chosen period of time.
  • Annual Tithi Pravesha charts (solar return charts) and Tithi Ashtottari dasa.
  • Patyayini dasa, Mudda dasa & compressed Narayana dasa and compressed Shoola dasa with Tajaka annual charts.
  • Tajaka varsha chakras (annual charts), sahamas (sahams) & pancha vargeeya bala.
  • Ashtottari dasa (Aardraadi), Kalachakra dasa, Narayana dasa of rasi chart, Shoola dasa, Tithi Ashtottari dasa, Drigdasa and Moola dasa upto antardasas (bhuktis).
  • Vimsottari dasa upto pratyantardasas (antaras).
  • Ashtakavarga and sodhya pindas of ALL the divisional charts.
  • Arudha padas of all the houses in ALL the twenty divisional charts.
  • Option to define whether Gulika, Mandi and other upagrahas like Kaala rise at the beginning or middle or end of respective portions.
  • Two options for Vyatipata calculation (Vyatipata = 360 deg - Dhuma & Vyatipata = Dhuma + 53 deg 20 min).
  • The positions of nine planets, lagna, 6 special lagnas (ghati lagna, hora lagna, bhava lagna & vighati lagna, varnada lagna and Sree lagna) and 11 upagrahas/sub-planets (Dhuma, Vyatipata, Parivesha, Indrachapa, Upaketu, Kaala, Mrityu, Artha Prahara, Yama Ghantaka, Mandi & Gulika) - all these in ALL the twenty divisional charts.
  • 12 divisional charts (16 charts + D-5, D-6, D-8 & D-11), option for using 3 kinds of hora charts - (a) Cancer-Leo hora chart, (b) parivritti dwaya (bicyclical) hora chart of Vriddha Karikas (it is used for family affairs and health) and (c) Jagannatha Hora chart.
  • Ashtakavarga jagannatha hora windows#

    Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP computers.Ībout 5 MB of disk space is needed for this program. This program will work on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Purpose: Computations of Vedic astrology (Jyotish). Latest release 6.0 : JAdded annual Tithi Pravesha (lunar return charts), Tithi Ashtottari dasa, Moola dasa and Drigdasa Revamped release 5.0 : ApTotally revamped, better GUI, more accurate and more features Release of version 3.0 : Febru(Ratha Sapthami) Release of version 1.0 : December 23, 1999

    Ashtakavarga jagannatha hora